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mardi 28 janvier 2014

Letter 3 - Difficulty to Breathe due to a problem in the Heart

Semmals Letters 
Dated 28012014
Letter 3 
              Difficulty to Breathe due to a problem in the Heart

Dear Daughter,
The greatest gift in Life is Life itself.
Now I would like to place to u a question – R u aware of u r breathing at all times of the day?
U would answer “No”
If anyone wishes to feel 24 X 7 then life would become a misery
But for some, it’s a reality
U r there to study medicine only to save them and make then as fit as U
The uncomfortable awareness of breathing is called as Dyspnea.

It may b due to problems in 2 systems in the body – CVS and RS and can b of 2 types – Acute and Sub acute or chronic

U can use u r logic to reason out that Subacute or chronic Dyspnea can be a symptom of some problem with the Lungs as it is a common presenting or accompanying symptom in patients with pulmonary disease
Still it b due to various other reasons, Lets c them 

Acute Dyspnea can be due to –
[1] Ischemia of the Heart 
[2] Failure of the Heart
[3] Severe hypertension
[4] Pericardial tamponade – Heart is encircled by fluid at an increased pressure
[5] Pulmonary Embolism – Air bubble placed within a pulmonary vessel
[6] Pneumothorax – Air in a space in the chest where it is not expected to enter
[7] Upper airway obstruction
[8] Acute bronchitis or pneumonia
[9] Drug overdoses (e.g., salicylates)

Apart from the Lungs and the Heart can any other system lead to dyspnoea, think deeply – S u r right the blood circulates between them – If that is inefficient as in Severe Anemia it can as well lead to dyspnoea.

Be careful a Pt with Neurological or muscle disease can confuse you with Fatigue and Dyspnoea.

Now I will teach u how to fix the cause for dyspnoea between the Heart and the Lungs.

When the Dyspnoea is experienced as a hunger for air and a need or an urge to breathe – then the cause can b with the Heart

When the Dyspnoea is experienced as a requirement for increased work or effort the problem can be an obstruction in the pathway for the air to move (the Lungs) or the problem can be with the movement of the chest wall in its muscles.

If the Pt says to u that he has a feeling that something is constricting his chest during breathing- then it may b due to bronchoconstriction caused by obstructive airway disease or edema in the Lungs.

How can a problem in the left ventricle lead to chronic dyspnea?
Simple explanation – Failure of the Left Ventricle → ↑ in pulmonary venous pressure → Back Pressure → Traffic jam in Pulmonary vein → Dyspnoea.

How can a problem in the Cardiac Valves lead to chronic dyspnea?
Now the check post is not clearing the crowd properly!!!
No big deal, the same mechanism as above.

Now finally for this small letter,
When a Pt, going for a peaceful sleep suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night and feels comfortable on assuming a sitting or standing position, what to call it?

It is called as – PND - Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea

The comfort experience by the Pt is due to achieving of gravitational redistribution of fluid.

Okay May God Bless U for a Lifetime of peaceful and graceful sleep.

Good Night.  

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